(2023년 영어 말하기 대회에서 사용한 대본입니다.) I'm an only child, but I was not alone. I am an only child. I used to think I was always alone because I don't have any sibling. Since both my mom and dad have their own jobs, I often eat alone, do my homework alone, and I play alone at home. I manage to do anything by myself because I'm used to being alone. This summer my mom recommended CTY camp in the USA for the gifted in math and science. To America? alone? Of course, at first, I was a little puzzled and afraid of an unfamiliar environment that I encountered alone, but I soon had excitement and expectation for a new challenge because I was used to being alone. However, I was never alone. I realized it through the camp. On the first day, I struggled to solve the questions by myself as usual although they were eccentric and difficult. Surprisingly, while the students gave absurd and unexpected answers, the professor just said "go...